Products Overview

VeriPic. Making Evidence Management Easier, Secure, and More Efficient.

VeriPic has been serving law enforcement since 1998. We address the specific needs and concerns of modern-day law enforcement agencies by providing them with a suite of Evidence Management solutions to enable easier evidence management, better security, and optimal standard operating procedures and efficiency. We are dedicated to helping public safety organizations improve their process and meet more successful outcomes related to Evidence Management.

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Because Process Matters

We know law enforcement needs many tools and systems to serve communities in the best possible way. But, with that often comes issues in managing the multitude of systems and data generated. Many times agencies of all sizes deal with systems that don’t connect, creating silos of data and SOPs that are not efficient. All these issues lead to difficulties with managing evidence, fulfilling discovery and public records requests, and sharing evidence with District Attorneys. So, VeriPic has enabled all of its systems to connect to others such as Records Management, In-Car Video, Body Worn Camera, Interview Room Systems, and more.

Managing Evidence Securely

When you collect physical evidence, you bag and tag it, put it into a secure evidence locker, check it in and apply a barcode, place it inside an secure evidence room, and track its every movement. So, why would you manage digital evidence any other way? With VeriPic, you can follow a similar process with evidence files in a digital capacity. VeriPic provides patented security technology with its multiple hashing algorithms, and photo authentication, encryption, audit trails, secure access levels, and more. We take evidence, integrity, and security serious from file capture to courtroom presentation.

Devices and File Types

Regardless of the device used for capture, the file type needing to be managed, or the location access is needed, VeriPic’s systems are able to meet your evidence management needs. We enable law enforcement to manage evidence in one location no matter the proprietary or standard file types.