Privacy Policy


Rev. 1/1/2022

The following is the privacy policy for VeriPic, Inc. and this policy covers VeriPic, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries. In this policy, VeriPic, Inc. (“VeriPic”) describes what personal information VeriPic collects on our site and those of VeriPic’s subsidiaries, how VeriPic uses it, and your options regarding information VeriPic may collect about you. Where more details are needed to explain our privacy practices as to a particular VeriPic product or service, we may post separate privacy notices to describe how a particular VeriPic product or service processes personal information. If you have questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us at:

VeriPic, Inc.
450 E. Silverado Ranch Blvd., Ste 120, #349
Las Vegas, NV 89183
Phone: 408-496-1200
Web Site:

VeriPic collects cookies on our Web site to capture information about page visits. VeriPic uses this information only internally – to deliver the most effective content to our visitors. Information from the cookies is used to gauge page popularity, analyze traffic patterns on our site and guide development of other improvements to our site. VeriPic does not require that you accept these cookies, however, some functionality on our Web site, our products or service check-out process, and products and services may be disabled if you decline to accept cookies. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether or not to accept it. You may also change your cookie settings through preferences options in our products and/or services, where applicable. VeriPic never gives away information about our users. If you choose to e-mail us and provide personally identifiable information about yourself, VeriPic will use this information only to respond to your inquiry, process your order, and send you confirmation related to the same. VeriPic will not sell, rent or otherwise disclose that information to third parties unless such disclosure is necessary for the purposes set forth in this Policy, by law or a policy or notice contained or associated with a specific VeriPic product or service. If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please us at the address or phone number listed above.

When placing an order for a VeriPic product or service or open an account or complete an online registration on our site, VeriPic collects personal information from you which may include:
• name and email address;
• billing information, including credit card information and your address;
• information concerning software programs downloaded, products and content licensed, accessed, or downloaded through VeriPic products or services;
• location information (such as zip code or postal code and country);
• computer configuration (such as operating system, connection speed, and peripherals);
• the IP Internet (IP) address and URL of the Web site that sent you to the VeriPic registration page;
• the types of peripherals (including portable media or recording devices) used by VeriPic products on your computer (to ensure that you have access to the latest fixes and patches for full compatibility with these devices);
• information necessary to perform 2 factor authentication such as a phone number, Authenticator App information, email, etc.;
• demographic information provided by you (such as language, gender and age, and, if applicable, software program and content preferences and personalization information); and
• whether you logged into or out of a VeriPic service, or changed your password or billing information.
This information is collected on Web pages using encryption technology to help prevent any third-party from intercepting the information. Your credit card information is only used for completing the transaction and is retained only as necessary for administration purposes or subscription renewals if you’ve subscribed to VeriPic subscription services that auto-renews periodically. VeriPic uses the information provided by our customers to analyze product trends. This analysis helps us improve the quality of our site and product and service mix.

VeriPic informs its customers what information it collects, how it is used, whether it may be temporarily transferred to others to provide the products or services requested and how to contact VeriPic with privacy inquiries. VeriPic provides a link to VeriPic’s privacy notice on its sites, and in e-mails.

VeriPic offers customers and individuals who provide us information choices about receiving further communications from us; for example, our e-mail newsletters are sent only to those who have expressly asked to receive them, and the newsletters have a link to use to opt out of receiving future messages. VeriPic may ask individuals if they wish to participate in market research, and then contact them if they give us their permission. VeriPic does not contact customers or individuals for marketing purposes for those persons who have contacted VeriPic directly to opt out of our direct marketing programs.

VeriPic uses technology in order to better serve its customers and others. VeriPic informs customers or individuals when VeriPic use technologies that are privacy related.

VeriPic takes steps to make sure that the personal information VeriPic uses is correct. VeriPic provides customers and individuals with reasonable access to the personal information they may have provided us so that they can review and correct it, or ask us not to use it. For example, customers or individuals may obtain a copy of the data they have provided, or update their information by contacting us at the address or phone number listed above. VeriPic, at its option, may also provide a web page to allow users to update their own information or information about their organization.

VeriPic protects personal information under its control by industry standard security practices and measures, in order to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. VeriPic limits access to personal information to those who have a business need. VeriPic does not keep personal information any longer than necessary to meet the business purpose for which it was collected, although in some cases, legal or regulatory reasons require that personal information not be deleted. VeriPic shall use its best efforts to quickly work to remedy any vulnerabilities found in our site or software and to alert our customers about any potentially dangerous vulnerabilities. If you have questions about VeriPic’s commitment to security or concerns about a security issue in one of our products or sites, please contact us at the address or phone number listed above.

Data may be temporarily transferred to a vendor or business partner to provide services for VeriPic, such as mailing information or processing credit card transactions. These vendors and business partners are required to protect and manage the personal information to the same high standards VeriPic uses, and they cannot use the information for purposes other than to provide the services VeriPic has requested. Also, VeriPic may disclose or transfer your personal information, including, without limitation, personal information regarding customers under 13, if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) satisfy an applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request; (b) enforce applicable VeriPic’s Terms of Use, License or Service Agreements; (c) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues; (d) to credit or collections agencies or services if necessary to achieve a VeriPic business purpose; (e) to protect against imminent harm to rights, property or safety of VeriPic, its users, or the public at large as required or permitted by law.

VeriPic does not intentionally collect information from children under the age of 13. If in the future we choose to collect personal information from children, we will comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

If major content changes are made to VeriPic’s Privacy Policy, VeriPic will outline and post the changes along with the new version on this VeriPic site.

VeriPic may create links to the sites of other parties. Independently operated sites are not associated with VeriPic or authorized by us and may also have links leading to this VeriPic site. VeriPic cannot control any of these links and are not responsible for any content appearing on the sites linked to or from VeriPic’s site, or for any personal information gathered at those independently operated sites.

Personal information that is not collected on the site is not generally subject to this Privacy Policy.

VeriPic regularly reviews its compliance with this Privacy Policy. Please feel free to direct any questions or concerns regarding this Policy or VeriPic’s treatment of personal information by contacting us through this Site by writing to us at Privacy Group, c/o VeriPic, Inc, 450 E. Silverado Ranch Blvd., Ste 120, #349, Las Vegas, NV 89183. When VeriPic receives a formal written complaint at this address, it is VeriPic’s policy to contact the complaining party regarding his or her concerns. VeriPic will cooperate with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data that cannot be resolved by VeriPic and an individual.

VeriPic does not guarantee error-free performance under this Privacy Policy. VeriPic will use reasonable efforts to comply with this Privacy Policy and will take prompt corrective action when VeriPic learns of any failure to comply with our Privacy Policy. VeriPic shall not be liable for any incidental, consequential or punitive damages relating to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy shall be governed by the laws of the State of California and the United States to the extent applicable.


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